Moss Vale Show 2001
Moss Vale Show
16th - 18 th March 2001
It was that time of the year again with the local Moss Vale Show up and off to a good start , supporting excellent weather and good crowds.
Our Woodturners region was represented with a demonstration area and a fully stocked sales table. Members were soon operating 2 lathes, which were to be in full production for the 3 days.
The public response was excellent and as usual at these demonstrations people asked questions and the interest shown in the club and artefacts was extremely pleasing.
Our convenor John Page seemed to hold the visiting school children's attention by making spinning tops, while Albert Hodgson and Fred Robjent concentrated on goblets and egg cups. Peter Herbert our Guild President demonstrated bowl turning, and Bill Shean showed his professional talents by turning his large variety of quality merchandise.
The sales table was active and well patronised. I believe we are hopeful of gaining some new members.
Thank you to Garnet Anderson for the great photos.
Another very happy and successful activity for the club.
Images From the Show
(Click on a picture for a larger view) |
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